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Examine the latest developments in online business with cutting-edge coverage, real examples, actual business cases, and hands-on applications found in the market-leading ELECTRONIC COMMERCE, 12E. With comprehensive coverage of emerging strategies and today�s most important technologies, this popular book equips you with a solid understanding of the dynamics of this fast-paced industry. The new edition offers thorough discussions of e-commerce growth in the rapidly-developing economies of China, India, and Brazil. You also examine key topics, such as social media and online marketing strategies, technology-enabled outsourcing, and online payment processing systems. New intriguing “Learning From Failure” segments help you draw important lessons from the experiences of actual companies as you review real-world e-commerce practices in action.
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Publisher : Cengage Learning; 12th edition (February 26, 2016)
Language : English
Paperback : 624 pages
ISBN-10 : 1305867815
ISBN-13 : 978-1305867819
Item Weight : 2.15 pounds
Dimensions : 7.25 x 1 x 8.75 inches
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