here is how much i got paid to upload 140 videos to my youtube channel… remember the results will be different for everyone but i wanted you to see what youtube paid me for my views last year.
to learn more about how to make money with youtube and affiliate marketing watch these:
How Much YouTube Paid Me – First Full Year – Income Report
Youtube Automation ($37,031 / Month Cash Cow?)
He Made $50,722 With Reaction Videos – Youtube Cash Cow Side Hustle!
remember the results are not typical implied or guaranteed… most people trying to make money online make nothing and some even lose money. always follow all rules and laws and have the right affiliate disclaimers and disclosures. also be sure to only use content you have the rights to use.
please note… making money online is harder than most people watching these types of videos realize, it takes hard work, persistance, ability to learn, and other factors… this is not a guarantee that if you do one or even all of these methods you will make anything… this is a business and business’ comes with risk.
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